From the Board-Chair
The Green Foundation's
Board Member

korean english

Green ThoughtPrimary BusinessPRCommunity

The Green Foundation takes as its goal the achievement of the harmonius relationship between man and nature, and co-existence of the nature, human and man made enviroment.
We have been mired for too long in a false confidence that we could conquer the nature with impunity by modern science and technology. Little did we realize that in proportion to our success in conquering the nature, we are destroying and degrading our environment and eco-system.
We now realize that our enviromrntally irrespondible behavior and life style has to stop.
We have to restore what has been destroyed and pay back to the nature harms we have inflicated on it.

Nothing less than our civilization's survival id at stake should we neglect restoration of our degraded environment, flora and fauna all included. In the center of this grave realization is the notion of 'green'. The 'green' being our quest to enhance our quality of life by restoring our lost natural environment.
and learning to maintain a proper balance between the nature and human needs. The 'green' represents the foremost 21st century challenge, a challenge to lives by availing on man-made techology, artifacts and infrastructure rupturing our environment the least.

Just as our lives continue with our reproductive process, so dose the coexistence of man and nature. this links our presence to our past. With it, our life and cosmos coexit. Coexist it must as it is the very source of life.

This realization to maintain environmental integrity brings together all hose associated whit the Green Foundation as a family.
We are bounded by our respect for our nature, our pledge to live 'green' and preserve our global villiage.

We have to be thankful to our predecessors who handed down us the lesson and insights on the environmental preservation.
Noting else could match the 'green' vision and value! let Korea exemplify a nation that leads the world in the pursuit of the 'green' life, an endeavor that promotes and advances the health of the earth and an environmentally sound life.
Lee, Soon-young